Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Magical Vacation Mode on Shopify

In this article I will walk you through how to install and set up the Magical Vacation Mode app developed by the Magical Apps team on your Shopify Store.

The Magical Apps team builds Shopify apps to solve real world problems for business of all sizes to be successful. We have currently developed over 130 Shopify stores and created highly-rated apps like Magical Vacation Mode.

I put these instructions together with the help of the team of developers at Magical Apps who built the app along with the support agents who service it everyday. Included is a basic installation and setup guide along with a list of common troubleshooting issues you may encounter.

If you run into any issues, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

App Install Instructions

Installing the app in Shopify is easy.

Click “Add app” on the Magical Order Form Fields app listing.

App Setup Instructions

After completing the app installation, read the setup instructions to learn how to add a rule, activate the app embed block, add additional app blocks and turn on or off vacations.

Initial App Setup

Setup Instructions

For assistance with setup, contact the Magical Apps team once the app is installed.

The guided setup process within the app will help you disable buttons and purchasing options in minutes. Open the app within your Shopify store to complete each of the following steps:

Add a rule

Rules allow you to create and schedule multiple vacations on your store. Having multiple vacations allows you to create different settings on how the vacation should affect your Online store and what message should appear.

  1. Click the Rules link in the app navigation menu to go to the Rules page.
  2. Click the Create rule button to create a new rule.
  3. Enter a title for your rule, and configure rule settings.
  4. Click the Save button to save the rule.
Activate the app embed block
  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
  3. Click Theme settings.
  4. Click the App embeds tab.
  5. Beside Magical Vacations, click the toggle to activate it.
Activate Inline message app block

If the Enable inline setting is enabled on a rule, the app will add the rule message where the inline message app block is added in your theme.

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
  3. Open the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
  4. Select the template that you want to edit from the dropdown menu.
  5. Under the panel click the + Add block or + Add section button depending on where you want the inline message to appear.
  6. From the APPS section, click Inline message to add the block.
  7. Click Save to activate it.
Turn on a Vacation
  1. Click the Rules link in the app navigation menu to go to the Rules page.
  2. Click the Edit button on the rule you would like to turn on.
  3. Click the dropdown in the Rule status section, and select Active.
  4. Click Save.
Turn off a Vacation
  1. Click the Rules link in the app navigation menu to go to the Rules page.
  2. Click the Edit button on the rule you would like to turn off.
  3. Click the dropdown in the Rule status section, and select Draft.
  4. Click Save.
Let customers know you are back
  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Customers.
  2. In the editor, click filter link.
  3. Select Customer tags.
  4. Select Contains this exact tag.
  5. Select vacation-mode.
  6. Click Apply filter.
  7. Click Save segment, and then enter Vacation mode for the segment name.
  8. Click Save.
  9. From your Shopify admin, go to Marketing.
  10. Click Create campaign.
  11. Click Shopify Email.
  12. Choose an email template.
  13. Click To, and then select the Vacation mode customer segment.
  14. Enter a subject for the email.

After you set up the email activity details, you can customize the email body content.

App Setup Instructions Library

See Shopify Help Center for more information on setting up Shopify Email.

Change the visual style of the banner or message

You can customize the style settings of the banner or message to match your theme in the App embed settings.

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Find the theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
  3. Click Theme settings.
  4. Click the App embeds tab.
  5. Click the Magical Vacation Mode section to view the dropdown menu.

The dropdown menu will give you the option to customize the font, banner image, banner buttons, and the banner colours.

Change the position of the banner
  1. First go to the app Settings page.
  2. Then, find the Display heading.
  3. Under the Banner subheading there is a dropdown menu labelled as “Position”. There, you can choose one of the various options to re-position the banner.
Prioritizing rules

If there is an overlap in the scheduling of a vacation, the app follows some logic in order to decide which message or banner is shown first. 

The rules are prioritized in descending order so the first rule will be displayed over any other rule that is set. If you wish to have another rule displayed first, you can simple rearrange the order and shift that rule to the top by:

  1. Going to the Rules section.
  2. Click on the 2 columns of vertical dots beside the rule you want to select.
  3. Drag that rule to the top.

Frequently Asked Questions

Discover answers to common questions about the Magical Vacation Mode app on Shopify.

Read FAQs

Magical Vacation Mode

Use the Magical Vacation Mode App to pause your online sales letting you take a break, go on holiday, or get caught up.